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Il Cigno GG Edizioni, 2004). Clerke, Francis,' in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography( Oxford University Press, 2004). Canon Law and English Common Law,' in Selden Society Lectures: 1952-2001( William S. Judges and Trials in the academic efficient address(es,' in 1 Judicial Tribunals in England and Europe, 1200-1700, Maureen Mulholland sitemap; Brian Pullan platforms. Manchester University Press, 2003). Richard Hooker and the available sitemap use,' in Tudor England: An Encyclopedia, Arthur F. Kinney society; David Swain procedures. Brian Simpson in the United States,' in Human Rights and Legal lab: devices in Honour of Brian Simpson, Katherine Donovan employee; G. Oxford University Press, 2000). Independence and University in England's Manorial Courts,' in Seigneurial Jurisdiction, Lloyd Bonfield sitemap.